The Constitution :





DATED:  20th July 2000

The Constitution.

Article   1:        Name:

The Name of this Organization shall be Musabuli Centre for sustainable living abbreviated as (MC4SL)

Article  2:         Foundation:

Musabuli Centre was founded by Mr. John Baptist Kisembo on 10th January 1999 in Kogere Village, Kigoro Parish, Rukoki Sub-county Kasese District in the republic of Uganda. The organisation was founded as a volunteer based; not for profit organisation, dedicated to improving the earth’s natural heritage and supporting people, groups, and communities to move towards sustainable way of living. During the foundation meeting that comprised of three people, it was further discussed that Africans needs to strengthen their ties and make global relationships to develop initiatives that will bring them up.
Article 3:          Purpose:
 To develop an agro forestry that will enhance environmental redress of negative human activities on the slops of Mt. Rwenzori; leading to biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestrating.
Article 4:          Goal:

 To develop methodologies for community participation in micro- environmental conservation.

Article 5:          Vision:

“A Society, where the communities are able to self-determine their choice and translate them into a set of self –reliant and sustainable activities consistent with their survival needs aspiration and dignity.”

Article 6:          Mission:

“To excel as an enabling institution for the development of the deprived so as to improve the quality of their life through participatory actions, research initiatives, training programs, people initiated environmentally sound and gender responsive resource management efforts technology development and to enhance the capacities of the individuals and people’s organization’s ensuring sustainability.”

Article 7:          Offices.

The Head quarters of this organization shall be situated in Kogere Village, Kigoro Parish, Rukoki Sub-county Kasese District in the republic of Uganda., and where need be, field offices shall be at every place deemed for operation.

Article 7:  operational area:

Musabuli Center (MC4SL) shall operate in the District of Kasese.

Article 8:           Objectives:

(a)                  To  identify potential participating farmer group in the use of rural 
         Information system.

(b)     To mobilize and organize the identified farmer groups in Rukoki   
          Sub county and beyond for participation in community tourism.
(c)  To enhance participatory capacity building of Musabuli centre and community groups.
      (d)      To maintain the natural heritage.

Article 9: Community services:

9:1            Musabuli Centre (MC4SL) among others shall promote
Agro-forestry, tourism, farmer IT, educational and demonstration initiatives. in Kasese District. All these will help develop the organization goals, Mission, Vision, and objectives as stipulated in this constitution.

Article 10:        Rights of founders:

(a)                 Fully participate in the promotion of the vision, Mission, Goal and objectives of the organization.
(b)                 Participate in the activities of the organization with voting rights.
(c)                 Make use of the facilities of the organization.
(d)                 Be elected to the any committee of the organization.

Article 11:        Partner groups:

Partners to this organization are the rural community groups, individuals, and institutions  both at national and international level..

Article 12:        Rights of Partners:

(a)     Voting rights at general meetings.
(b)     Participate fully in the promotion of the vision, Mission, Goal and objectives of the organization.
(c)     Be elected at any committee of the organization.
(d)     Pay periodical commitment fees as accepted upon at a general meeting.

Article 13:        Termination of relation ship:

Termination may occur if:
(a)    One’s conduct destroys the good will of the Organization.
(b)   Does not a bid by the guidelines  set to develop the Organization and the community
(c)    Half of the members have signed the motion.

Article 14:        Organization structure:

(A)                All partners and founders shall be the overall supreme body of the Organization and they shall organize general meeting every after eleven months.

(B)               Founders:

The founders of this organization shall remain: Mr. John Baptist Kisembo and Maliro Naome. How ever, they shall always delegate their powers to the board; And they shall take the role of guiding.

(C)               The Board.

The Board shall be of five persons of integrity, two women and three men.

(D)               Terms of office of the board.

The board shall serve for a period of three years.

(E)                The secretariat:

The secretariat shall be headed by coordinator. The secretariat shall be responsible for the day to day running of the organization.

Article 15:        Functions of the board.

(a)                 Responsible for the smooth running of the organization through meetings.
(b)                 Set plans for financing the programs of the Organization.
(c)                 Recruit and dismiss staff.
(d)                 Implement resolutions made at general meetings.
(e)                 Approve partners. And volunteers.
(f)                  Approve requests from partners and the entire community.

Functions of the Board Chairman:

(a)                         Conduct Board meetings.
(b)                         Work on behalf of the organization.
(c)                         Sign documents.

Functions of the treasurer:

(a)                 Responsible for all the financial records.
(b)                Sign financial papers.
(c)                 Draw budgets and present financial statements.

Article 15:

Functions of the coordinator.

(a)                 Shall head the secretariat.
(b)                Shall speak on behalf of the organization.
(c)                 Shall sign legal documents.
(d)                Shall serve as a secretary to the Board as ex-official.

Article 16:        Meetings:

Article 16:1       General Meetings.

Half of the total members shall form the quorum. Notice to members shall be signed, dated, and send at least two weeks before the real day planned for the meeting.

Article 16:2:      Board

The board shall meet three times a year, unless extra ordinary.

Article 17:        Finances:

The Organization shall have powers to obtain funds from:

Grants, Donations, Gifts, Sales of services, Loans, Commitment fees, and any other means as approved by the board.

Article 17:1       Supervision of funds:

The board  shall appoint and report to the general meeting the organization bankers.

(a)                 Control of funds shall rest in the hands of the board of trustees.
(b)                 All funds shall be banked on the Organizational account in time.
(c)                 Three persons of the board of trustees shall be signatories to the account.
(d)                 The financial year of the Organization shall rum from 1st January to 31Dec.each year.
(e)                 Article 17:2:            Auditing:

The board of trustees shall appoint an audit firm. Organizational accounts shall be audited each year. The auditors shall be paid fees as may be agreed by the board of trustees.

Article 18:        Protection of Organization assets:

(a)                 As said in this constitution, no person shall use the organization assets, with out consent of the board.
(b)                All assets of the Organization shall be supervised by the board under the guidance of the team leader.
(c)                 It is a direct responsibility of the board to appoint a recognized advocate, bankers and an insurance company.

Article 19:        constitution amendment:

This constitution or any part herein may be amended by resolution of 2/3 of the partners, 2/3 of the founders, at a meeting being organized for amendment s to the constitution.

Article 20:        Dissolution:

Musabuli Centre for Sustainable living (Mc4sl), may be dissolved by a resolution of two 2/3 of the partners, founders, at a joint meeting.  Incase of dissolution, the assets shall be used to meet Organization debts if any. And the balance value of assets shall be given off thus: 10% to founders, 90% to an NGO with similar objectives. Operating in the same region. Such NGO shall be decided at such a time of discussing dissolution.  The meeting discussing assets disposal, shall be conducted by a neutral person. And such a person shall be appointed at a meeting in an agreement with the Organization main donor at such a time.

Article 21:        Constitution adoption:

We the undersigned below, promoters of Musabuli Centre for sustainable living (Mc4sl)by name and signature, agree to the 21 articles provided in this constitution as main tools to help us carry on community services and general development.

Magambo Sarapio

Naume  Kisembo

Niwa Paul

Masika Emma

Mupeleka Jackson

Baita Francis
