Profile/ about us:


Musabuli Centre for sustainable living  was founded by Mr. John Baptist Kisembo on 10th January 1999 in Kogere Village, Kigoro Parish, Rukoki Sub-county Kasese District in the republic of Uganda. The organisation was founded as a volunteer based; not for profit organisation, dedicated to improving the earth’s natural heritage and supporting people, groups, and communities to move towards sustainable way of living. During the foundation meeting that comprised of three people, it was further discussed that Africans needs to strengthen their ties and make global relationships to develop initiatives that will bring them up.
 To develop an agro forestry that will enhance environmental redress of negative human activities on the slops of Mt. Rwenzori; leading to biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestrating.

 To develop methodologies for community participation in micro- environmental conservation.


“A Society, where the communities are able to self-determine their choice and translate them into a set of self –reliant and sustainable activities consistent with their survival needs aspiration and dignity.”


“To excel as an enabling institution for the development of the deprived so as to improve the quality of their life through participatory actions, research initiatives, training programs, people initiated environmentally sound and gender responsive resource management efforts technology development and to enhance the capacities of the individuals and people’s organization’s ensuring sustainability.”  ( email us to learn more: